Monday 4 August 2014


Today in English we have started speeches... My favorite topic.. I am doing mine on why forced child labour is bad. Anyways today we did improvted speeches our teacher had all our names on Popsicle sticks and was drawing them out one by one I was just praying for mine not to be picked but it was seventh we then had to draw out a card with our topic on it and I got if I could change school lunches I would... Hmm one of the worst topics I think. As I got up out of my seat I could just feel the wave of nausea wash over me and all the anxiety rush into me I honestly was about to run out of the classroom but I decided I would do it bit my lip and did it. Standing up in front of the class was very nerve racking, I only lasted eight seconds before saying umm which was quite a bit longer than some people that said um as there first word!
I was very very happy and proud of myself afterwards it is has probably been one of the most difficult things I have done since developing anxiety at the beginning of the year do yay!
I felt really sorry for an exchange student who got the best thing about snow days is... And she had never been in snow before!!

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